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Paper – Considerations for Effective Implementation and Enforcement of the Proposed Federal Accessibility Legislation (2017)

This paper addresses an important legal issue ARCH recommended the Government to address as it developed the proposed federal accessibility legislation: ensuring effective implementation and enforcement of the proposed federal accessibility legislation. ARCH’s Considerations for Effective Implementation and Enforcement of the Proposed Federal Accessibility Legislation were presented to government in its consultation process as it

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ARCH Alert Volume 19, Issue 4

Annual Report

April 30, 2018

ARCH Annual Reports since 1997.

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ARCH Alert Volume 17, Issue 3

ARCH Submissions

February 11, 2019

ARCH’s submissions to Parliament on strengthening Bill C-81 (Accessible Canada Act)

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ARCH releases Final Report on the Accessible Canada Act

November 09, 2018

This report provides a legal analysis of Bill C-81, An Act to ensure a barrier free Canada. It incorporates feedback that ARCH received from persons with disabilities and disability organizations on the first draft of this report. A plain language summary is also provided. ARCH’s recommendations for strengthening Bill C-81 will be available shortly.

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Paper – Legal Analysis of Accessible Canada Act – Final Report (2018)

This report provides a legal analysis of Bill C-81, An Act to ensure a barrier free Canada. It incorporates feedback that ARCH received from persons with disabilities and disability organizations on the first draft of this report. This resource is part of ARCH’s Advocating for an Accessible Canada initiative. For more information about the initiative,

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ARCH Alert Volume 17, Issue 2

What's New at ARCH