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Elections in Ontario

On February 27, 2025, Ontarians will go to the polls to cast their vote and elect a new government. There are some important dates you should know about where and how to vote, especially if you need help or accommodations.

In this article, ARCH talks about two things. First, we discuss what the four main political parties promise to do for persons with disabilities if they are elected. Second, we share the different ways you can vote, including information about accessible voting for persons with disabilities.

The Parties’ Promises About Disability Issues

ARCH co-hosted a provincial candidate debate on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Candidates representing the Liberal party, the NDP and the Green party attended and discussed their party’s position on disability-related issues. A representative from the Progressive Conservative party was also invited, but did not attend.

The debate was recorded. You can access the full debate online at: 2025 Ontario Election Candidates Debate on Disability Issues

Below is a summary of the positions of each political party about things that affect disability rights in Ontario. We have included a link to each of the Parties’ platform which are only available in PDF format. If this is inaccessible to you, we suggest you contact the party directly requesting an accessible version.

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

If re-elected, the Progressive Conservative Party promises to improve access to mental health services by putting more money in the mental health care system. They also promise to increase Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates according to inflation.

To read the Progressive Conservative Party’s full platform, go to: PCPO_PlatformBooklet_2025_02_23_v05_SPREADS.pdf

Liberal Party of Ontario

If elected, the Liberal Party promises to double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates and continually increase it every year based on inflation. They also promise to increase the number of family doctors in Ontario in order to ensure every Ontarian can access a family doctor. They will try to get more personal support workers (PSW) to stay in the public health care system by increasing their wages. They promise to expand mental health services by introducing universal mental health care, including expanding mental health services covered by OHIP for more people. In the public K-12 education system, the Liberal Party promises to hire more staff supporting students with disabilities, including educational assistants (EA), mental health professionals, and social workers. Additionally, they promise to clear the wait list for assessments in special education. This would ensure that students with disabilities have quicker access to appropriate resources and supports in school.

To read the Liberal Party’s full platform, go to: BC PLATFORM.

Ontario’s New Democratic Party (NDP)

If elected, the NDP promises to help students with disabilities in the public K-12 education system. The NDP wants students with disabilities to have equal support in school, and will hire more staff to help students get the one-on-one attention they need. They also promise to change the current Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) system and support injured workers more than what is currently being done. The changes include paying workers 85-90% of their loss of earnings (the money someone can’t make because they can’t work) if they are injured at work. They want to increase the benefits for workers so they can get more help they need (such as mental health supports). The NDP also wants to pay workers for as long as their workplace disability lasts, instead of unfairly stopping payments. Finally, they promise to double ODSP rates.

To read the NDP’s full platform, go to: On Your Side: Our plan to fight rising costs and restore Ontario’s promise

Green Party of Ontario

If elected, this party also promises to double ODSP and Ontario Works (OW) rates. They would also make sure these benefits are continually raised based on inflation. This party also said that they would remove clawbacks for those who will also receive the Canada Disability Benefit. In doing so, the Green Party commits to ending poverty in Ontario. In addition, they promise to make mental health services more accessible and reduce wait times for supports and services. The Green Party said they will add more funding in K-12 public schools, specifically for supports for students with disabilities. This will include more funding for educational assistants and other supports so that students with disabilities get meaningful access to education. They have also said they will address the lengthy wait list of the Ontario Autism Program. In addition, they promise to improve the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) by removing some of the barriers in place to access the program and creating standards for device repairs through this program. Finally, this party promises to increase funding for community living agencies and the Passport program.

To read the Green Party’s full platform, go to: gpo-platform-en.pdf

How to Vote

There are many ways to vote before Election Day. You can vote in advance of the Election Day by mail, at your local election office, or at an advance voting location. If you need accommodations to vote, you can make a request with Elections Ontario. You will find more information about accessible voting below.

If you’re voting in person, make sure to bring your ID with you.

Please note that all the times below are in Eastern Time.

Voting on Election Day

You can vote at your assigned voting location on Election Day (February 27, 2025) from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Your assigned voting location is a building where voting takes place and the location depends on where you live. To find out where your voting location is, you can visit Elections Ontario’s website and search your location based on your postal code.

Accessible Voting

All voting locations must be accessible for persons with disabilities. There are different accessible options to help you vote. If you use a phone or electronic device for accessibility, you can vote with it. You can also bring a support person, guide dog, or service animal to help you. Magnifiers and Braille numbers on voting cards can be used to help you choose. If you cannot enter your voting location, you can contact your local election office and ask for curbside voting. They will bring the ballot outside your assigned voting location for you to vote.
If your voting place isn’t accessible, you can also contact your local election office by February 26 to ask for a transfer to another place.

You can request a vote by home visit if you meet two requirements: (1) it must will be very hard (or impossible) for you to vote in person and (2) you need help voting due to your disability, or if you are not able to read or write. If you meet the requirements and want to request a vote at home, you have to contact your local election office by February 26 at 6PM.

If you need other types of accommodations, you can find more options below. Keep in mind that some of these accommodations may need to be requested before Election Day. Depending on what you need, it is recommended to contact Elections Ontario before you vote.

Voting with Assistive Voting Technology (AVT)

Voters with disabilities may also use special tools to help them vote if needed, called assistive voting technology (AVT). AVT has three options that voters can use which depends on what they need.

One option is called an audio tactile interface. It has a controller that gives audio directions and has big buttons you can feel, bright colors, and Braille.

Another option are paddles that can be pressed with your hands, feet, or elbows to vote.

A third option is the “sip and puff” technology. With this, you can vote by either breathing in (“sipping) or breathing out (“puffing) into a straw to mark your vote.

AVT is available at your local election office and at advance voting locations on the days we listed above. If you want to use AVT on Election Day (February 27), you have to contact your local election office to make an appointment in advance. If you do not book an appointment and want to use AVT on Election Day, it might not be available.

Use of Sign Language Interpreter

If you need an American Sign Language (ASL) or Langues des Signes Québécoise (LSQ) Interpreter or Intervenor, you can book an appointment before Election Day. You do not have to pay for this. All Interpreters can be booked through Canadian Hearing Services (CHS). Booking an Intervenor depends on where you live. If you live in North Bay, Sudbury, or Timmins, you can contact CHS to book an Intervenor. If you live anywhere else in Ontario, you can contact CNIB DeafBlind Community Services to book an Intervenor.

February 25, 2025