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Tags: employment

ARCH lawyers interviewed for Law Times article about privacy, rights of workers with disabilities at issue in commercial dispute over alleged negligence

April 20, 2021

ARCH lawyers interviewed for Law Times article about privacy, rights of workers with disabilities at issue in commercial dispute over alleged negligence…Read More

ARCH lawyer discussed the important disability rights case recently decided by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on a live audio show.

April 20, 2021

AMI Audio - ARCH lawyer, Jessica De Marinis, discussing the important disability rights case recently decided by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.…Read More

For Immediate Release: Ontario Superior Court Dismisses Appeal Seeking Disclosure of Employment Records of Non-Party with a Disability

April 13, 2021

For Immediate Release: Ontario Superior Court Dismisses Appeal Seeking Disclosure of Employment Records of Non-Party with a Disability…Read More

CRWDP tool now available

February 22, 2021

Canadian Work Disability Accommodation Law Resources Digital Portal is now avaialble. It is a centralized resource of disability employment human rights literature for researchers, community members, and practitioners. …Read More

Case Summary and analysis: Recent Divisional Court case in Ontario affirms the contextual approach in Ontario for accommodating addictions disabilities in the workplace

July 18, 2019

Divisional Court confirms that a contextual, human rights analysis is required where a person with an addictions disability is terminated.…Read More

Case Summary and Analysis: Accommodating Addictions Disabilities in the Workplace

An analysis of how fundamental principles of discrimination law apply in cases where employees with disabilities are terminated for misconduct.…Read More

Submission – ARCH’s Initial Recommendations for Review of the AODA Employment Accessibility Standard (2018)

July 27, 2018

ARCH’s submission on the Initial Recommendations for Review of the Employment Accessibility Standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. PDF and RTF versions of this submission are available at the end of this page.…Read More

April 20, 2021