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ARCH Videos

Wheel-Trans Videos

ARCH created a series of 4 videos to provide useful tips for persons registering or re-registering for TTC Wheel-Trans services.

Video 1: Wheel-Trans – Introduction and Eligibility Categories
Video 2: Wheel-Trans Service – “Family of Services” Trips vs Door-to-Door Trip
Video 3: How to Apply or Re-register for Wheel-Trans Services
Video 4: How to Appeal your Eligibility Decision

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – DeafDots Report

ARCH discusses the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, on DeafDots report, an Alerts & News Report in ASL for Deaf Canadians. It aired on July 14, 2023. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms . Full DeafDots report –

ARCH’s Services – DeafDots Report

ARCH discusses its services to people with disabilities across Ontario, including those in the Deaf community, on DeafDots report, an Alerts & News Report in ASL for Deaf Canadians. It aired on April 28th 2023. Who is ARCH Disability Law Centre? Full DeafDots report –

DLI Program – Disability Law Intensive (Student Program)

ARCH continues its innovative partnership with Osgoode Hall Law School at York University to offer the Disability Law Intensive program. The purpose of this program is to introduce second and third year law students to the complex issues faced by persons with disabilities and to help them learn the most effective ways of delivering legal services to our communities, through law reform and policy work, and direct client centered work. This program is the first of its kind in Canada.

How the Disability Law Intensive Program Prepared Me for Legal Practice – Conversations with Former Students:

The video recording of this presentation, with ASL and Captioning, is available to download:

Testimonials from Former DLI Students:

Former DLI students discuss their experience during their placement at ARCH.

Learn More, here:

Respecting Rights

Respecting Rights is a project at ARCH that is led by self-advocates labelled with intellectual disabilities.

Since 2011, Respecting Rights has provided innovative, accessible rights education to persons labelled with intellectual disabilities and their support networks across Ontario. Respecting Rights also works on accessible law reform projects. Our work builds the capacity of persons labelled with intellectual disabilities and their support networks through education and support for self-advocacy.

Learn More about Respecting Rights, here:

Time For Change

Time for Change is an educational video set to a score of triumphant music. Its creation was led by people labeled with intellectual disabilities at Respecting Rights, a legal rights education project at ARCH Disability Law Centre. Its aim is to raise awareness about the right to equality for persons with disabilities.

During the pandemic, Respecting Rights brought isolated people with disabilities together over Zoom to create a powerful message they want to share with the world. 23 self-advocates in total recorded what human rights mean to them. 

Learn about Time for Change, here:


National AccessAbility Week Program 2023 – Accessible justice for persons with environmental sensitivities

On May 31, 2023, the Law Society of Ontario and ARCH Disability Law Centre held their annual National AccessAbility Week program. To review the recording, please visit Law Society of Ontario – ARCH Archived 2023 Webcast

ARCH’s 42nd AGM (Annual General Meeting)

ARCH’s 42nd AGM took place on Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. ET. The presentation took place at 6:00 pm and the members-only meeting started at 7:00 pm. We had a presentation about Reflecting on 40 Years of Disability in the Human Rights Code from our guest speaker Ena Chadha, LL.B., LL.M.Chair, Human Rights Legal Support Centre. To review the recording, please visit: ARCH’s 2022 AGM

National AccessAbility Week Program 2022 – Advancing Accessibility Through Legislation and Litigation

On Wednesday, June 1, 2022 The Law Society of Ontario and ARCH Disability Law Centre held their annual National AccessAbility Week program. To review the recording, please visit: Law Society of Ontario – ARCH Archived 2022 Webcast

ARCH and IAO Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Eaton Decision

On March 29, 2022 ARCH Disability Law Centre and Inclusion Action in Ontario (IAO) hosted an event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Eaton v. Brant County Board of Education. The two panels discussed the Eaton case, the current state of the law regarding inclusive education, and perspectives on the practice of inclusive education for students with disabilities. For the complete recording of the event, go here:

National Access Awareness Week 2018

On June 5, 2018, ARCH and the Law Society of Ontario co-hosted the National Access Awareness event for 2018. The panellists shared their expertise and provided practice tips for lawyers on how to respect the privacy rights of clients and colleagues with disabilities. Also discussed were developments in the case law relating to the privacy rights of persons with disabilities. Over 100 people attended the event and over 650 web streamed it live.

To review the recap of the event , please visit: Law Society of Ontario – ARCH Archived 2018 Webcast

Accessible Canada Act

An Introduction to The Accessible Canada Act

The Act is a federal law. It explains how to make spaces and services more accessible. It has to be followed by the federal government and federal businesses and organizations. The Act works with human rights laws. Human rights laws give everybody the right to be treated equally. This includes people with disabilities and Deaf people. These laws protect people from discrimination. The Act gives goals for accessibility. It gives general rules about what federal organizations have to do to make things more accessible. Learn More: An Introduction to the Accessible Canada Act

The Accessible Canada Act, Accessibility Regulations and Standards

This second video is about the rules and guidelines that come with the Accessible Canada Act. These are called ‘regulations’ and ‘standards.’ They are meant to help make our country more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities and Deaf people. Accessibility rules and standards are important. They set concrete rules and guidelines for federal organizations. They tell us how the Act will be put into action. Learn More, here:

How Accessibility Regulations are Made

This is the third video in this series. This video is about how you can take part in the process for making accessibility regulations. Accessibility regulations (or rules) give more specific details about parts of the Accessible Canada Act. This video explains how to find out about accessibility regulations. The video discusses what parts of the regulation making process you can take part in. In the video, we give tips on how you can contribute. We also tell you what happens after you have given input about an accessibility rule. People with disabilities and Deaf people may also want to get involved when the Government of Canada, the Agency or the CRTC make other regulations. Even though these regulations are not about accessibility, they often have important impacts on disability communities. The information in this video will help you to understand how to get involved when these other regulations are made.

Learn More, here:

Giving Your Input when Regulations are Being Made

This is the fourth video in this series. This video gives tips about how to give input to the Government of Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency, and CRTC when new regulations are being made. It explains how to get ready to give feedback. It tells you how to get the information you need. It also describes how to relate your living experiences to regulations when you give your input.

Learn More, here:

Finding and Using Federal Accessibility Regulations

This fifth video explains where you can find federal regulations once they are made. It will tell you why these rules are important. It will also tell you when you might want to use them. It will tell you what you can do if a federal organization, company, or government office doesn’t follow accessibility rules.

Learn More, here:

ARCH’s presentation to HUMA committee about the Accessible Canada Act

On October 23, 2018 ARCH was at the House of Commons’ HUMA committee to talk about strengthening the proposed Accessible Canada Act.

To review the presentation, go to the link below and select meetings & October 23:

Advancing the UN CRPD

ARCH works with communities across Canada to advocate for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Learn More, here:

OP Lab

The OP LAB offered the opportunity to learn more about the Optional Protocol and to be part of a Canada-wide network engaged in acting for the implementation of the CRPD!

OP Lab was an ARCH-led project which aimed to develop awareness of the CRPD, its Optional Protocol and other UN disability rights tools. It also aimed to build capacity within disability and legal communities to use the CRPD and other UN disability rights tools to advance disability rights in Canada. 

To learn about the OP lab and review the OP lab sessions that were held in the fall of 2020, please visit:

Supreme Court

LEAF-DAWN-ARCH intervene in Supreme Court case R v Slatter

On November 6, 2020 the intervention in R v Slatter was argued at the Supreme Court of Canada. The LEAF-DAWN-ARCH coalition argued that a substantive equality analysis requires the Court to assess witnesses’ evidence based on the actual abilities and individual circumstances of women with disabilities, as opposed to generalizations about their disabilities.

To review the oral arguments, go here:


What you Need to Know: Critical Care During the Pandemic and Ontario’s Triage Protocol

On April 20, 2021, There was an Ontario Triage Protocol Webinar on the serious concerns about Ontario`s triage protocol that were raised by disability advocates and organizations. Moderated by ARCH’s Executive Director, Robert Lattanzio, presented by Mariam Shanouda, ARCH’s staff lawyer, and David Lepofsky. The webinar is available here:


COSP15 – Canary in a Coalmine: The Expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying/Euthanasia in Canada, A Warning to the Global Disability Community

On June 16, 2022 this session discussed how Canada’s assisted dying legislation discriminates against people with disabilities, outlined how this is an alarming global trend, and built international solidarity. The virtual event took the form of a panel discussion, with short presentations from each panelist followed by an interactive discussion with participants.  For the video recording, go here:

Let’s Chat… About Inclusive Education – Episode 12 Ft. Robert Lattanzio

On April 11, 2022, Executive Director of ARCH, Robert Lattanzio discussed supporting families, the inconsistencies in education policy, and the groundswell needed for change. Learn more here:

Our Mental Health Matters – Risk of UofT’s University-Mandated Leave of Absence Policy

On January 20, 2022 Dianne Wintermute, Staff Lawyer at ARCH, joined the panel to speak about Mandated Leave of Absence Policy. Learn More About The Panel Here:


CNIB Podcast on Transportation

ARCH lawyer, Lila Refaie, was one of the guest speakers on the CNIB Podcast on Transportation, Episode #4 on March 13, 2021.

For the audio Podcast on Transporation, go here:

Into The Light

Into the Light: Eugenics and Education in Southern Ontario – The documentary – For learning and teaching

The documentary Into the Light: Eugenics and Education in Southern Ontario, reveals over thirty years of eugenics education, including courses taught at the post-secondary level in central Canada, and highlights the efforts and stories of members of affected communities and the people who continue to work to foster social justice, including responding to Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Into the Light extends to studies in disability, decolonizing, social and political dimensions of bodies, difference, sexuality, archives, museum studies, history of sociology, psychology and anthropology, history of public health, education, and domestic science, Canadian history and the history of science, race and racism, equity, human rights law and policy, and more.

For more details about the documentary and how to access itgo here:

Last Modified: May 24, 2024