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NOTICE: Our Email Addresses have changed:
ARCH’s email addresses have changed and are listed below.

Sending an email or leaving a voicemail message to ARCH Disability Law Centre does not constitute a retainer nor does it mean that ARCH is your lawyer.   Please do not send confidential information about your case to ARCH before you speak with a lawyer.

ARCH’s office hours are: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday.

ARCH’s telephone summary advice and referral service is closed between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM each day, and all day on Mondays.

Telephone: 416-482-8255 
Tel. Toll-free: 1-866-482-2724   

TTY: 416-482-1254 
TTY Toll-free: 1-866-482-2728

Fax: 416-482-2981 
Fax Toll-free: 1-866-881-2723

General inquiries email:

Media Inquiries:

If you are seeking legal information from ARCH, and cannot contact us via telephone due to disability-related reasons, we can be contacted via email at . Please include both your first and last name when emailing ARCH for legal information.

If you are calling when our office is closed and you require urgent legal advice, you may access the Law Society Referral Service at Law Society of Ontario Referral Service or via telephone at 1-855-947-5255 or 416-947-5255 (within the GTA).

ARCH Disability Law Centre is located at 55 University Avenue in Toronto. Our office is on the 15th floor. The nearest subway is the accessible St. Andrew station. For directions from the subway to our office go to

At ARCH, we try our best to keep our office and events free of scents and fragrances. These may cause health problems for staff and visitors. We ask for your cooperation by not wearing perfumes, aftershave, lotions or any other scented products when visiting us. 

Last Modified: February 25, 2025