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Respecting Rights at the 17TH Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CoSP17)
from June 10th to 14th 2024 Respecting Rights member Judy Noonan and ARCH’s Community Outreach and Education Coordinator Jessica Field had the privilege of attending the 17TH Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CoSP17) at the United Nations in New York.
On June 12th 2024 Respecting Rights collaborated with self-advocates from My Home, My Rights in Nova Scotia and Down Syndrome Australia to host a side event called “Art of Inclusion: Human Rights Education and Advocacy Led by People Labeled with Intellectual Disabilities.” During this side event, each self-advocacy group had an opportunity to share examples of their work and discuss why teaching others about human rights in an accessible way is important. We also shared a video from the self-advocates in Kathmandu, Nepal from the organization Parent Federation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (PFPID).
During the Cosp17 conference, Judy and Jessica attended several events at the United Nations headquarters where they learned about the different ways in which governments and self-advocacy groups from across the world are working together to change the laws for persons labelled with intellectual disabilities. On June 11th 2024 Judy and Jessica attended a Canadians Mission meeting with Minister Kamal Khera; Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Ambassador Richard Arbeiter; Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations. During this meeting, representatives from Canadian Disability organizations had an opportunity to discuss their concerns, ask questions and learn about the work that Ambassador Arbeiter and Minister Khera are doing on behalf of the disability community and in support of the Convention of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). On this day Judy was also interviewed by self-advocate Nick Herd from L’ARCH International and the UN News. In the interview, Judy explains what the expression “nothing about us without us” means to her.
To access Judy’s interview visit: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/larche-internationale_unitednations-inclusionmatters-awareness-activity-7218690663310131200-yUZ6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
To access the COSP17 video on “Art of Inclusion: Human Rights Education and Advocacy Led by People Labeled with Intellectual Disabilities.” visit: https://youtu.be/yv6uwqgvwSY
Respecting Rights – My Voice, My Choice – Final Evaluation Report, August 2020
Respecting Rights – My Voice, My Choice – Final Evaluation Report, August 2020
Paper – Self-Advocacy from the Ashes of the Institution (2017)
The Canadian Journal of Disability Studies published a paper co-authored by Respecting Rights members Peter Park and Sue Hutton. The paper features use of graphic data on the history of the institutions, and explores the oral stories of Peter and another survivor of Canada’s institutions for persons labelled with intellectual disability.
Go to: Self-Advocacy from the Ashes of the Institution | Canadian Journal of Disability Studies

Press Release – Get Connected!
This press release informs about the launch of Respecting Rights’ “Get Connected! campaign, which advocates for support to people with intellectual disabilities across Ontario to get online during times of social distancing.