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OP Lab: Learning, Sharing, Actioning!

Did you know? Canada recently agreed to follow the Optional Protocol (OP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). 

What does this mean? The CRPD is an international law aimed at promoting, protecting and ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms for persons with disabilities. The Optional Protocol allows people in Canada to make a complaint to the United Nations, in some situations when they believe their rights under the CRPD have been violated.

The OP LAB offered the opportunity to learn more about the Optional Protocol and to be part of a Canada-wide network engaged in acting for the implementation of the CRPD!

OP Lab was an ARCH-led project which aimed to develop awareness of the CRPD, its Optional Protocol and other UN disability rights tools. It also aimed to build capacity within disability and legal communities to use the CRPD and other UN disability rights tools to advance disability rights in Canada. ARCH completed all OP Lab live sessions – 8 for community advocates, 3 for lawyers, and 1 joint session for both. OP Lab had approximately 180 community champions registered from across Canada, and approximately 50 disability rights lawyers from across Canada. The aim for the live sessions and the virtual classroom platform was to create space for advocates and lawyers to work through together the various tools available including the CRPD’s Optional Protocol in a cross-disability accessible space in multiple languages (French, English, American Sign Language, Langue des signes Quebecoise).

OP Lab Sessions

The following are the recorded OP lab sessions that were held in the fall of 2020. Each session was recorded in either English and ASL or French and LSQ.

OP Lab for Community Champions | OP Lab pour devenez un(e) champion(ne) du Protocole facultatif dans votre communauté

September 16, 2020

Introduction to CRPD, its Optional Protocol and other UN Disability Rights Tools | Introduction à la CDPH, à son protocole facultatif et à d’autres outils des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations Unies

ARCH lawyers and guest speakers will give an introduction to some of the UN disability rights tools, including the CRPD and its Optional Protocol, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Special Rapporteur on Disability, and other international human rights laws that address disability.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available.

Enregistrement de session en direct – bientôt disponible

September 23, 2020

How have UN Disability Rights Tools Advanced Disability Rights in Canada and Other Countries? | Comment les outils des droits des personnes handicapées de l’ONU ont-ils avancé les droits des personnes handicapées au Canada et dans d’autres pays?

ARCH lawyers, project partners and guest speakers will describe how participating in CRPD advocacy at the United Nations has helped to advance disability rights in Canada and other countries. Speakers will give examples from research, policy, litigation and law reform. OP Lab participants will have an opportunity to discuss these examples and strategies.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – français, LSQ – actuellement indisponible

September 30, 2020

Using the CRPD Optional Protocol for Individual Complaints | Utilisation du protocole facultatif CDPH pour les plaintes individuelles

ARCH lawyers and guest speakers will describe how the Optional Protocol can be used to make a complaint about a country violating a person’s CRPD rights, and what the outcomes of this complaint may be. We will discuss some of the rules and requirements for making a complaint, and where people may be able to get help. Examples of Optional Protocol complaints will be presented and discussed.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – français, LSQ – actuellement indisponible

October 7, 2020

What does “exhausting domestic remedies mean for CRPD Optional Protocol complaints? | Que signifie «épuiser les recours internes» pour les plaintes relatives au Protocole facultatif de la CDPH?

Before a person can make an Optional Protocol complaint, they must exhaust their domestic remedies. Disability rights lawyers from several provinces will explain what it means to exhaust domestic remedies, and will give disability-related case examples. OP Lab participants will learn about various legal options available for disability-related cases, including human rights commissions and tribunals, courts and others.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – urrently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – français, LSQ – actuellement indisponible

October 14, 2020

Using the CRPD Optional Protocol for Systemic Violations of Disability Rights | Utilisation du protocole facultatif de la CDPH pour les violations systémiques des droits des personnes handicapées

ARCH lawyers and guest speakers will describe how the CRPD Optional Protocol can be used to investigate serious violations of CRPD rights that affect many people with disabilities. We will discuss how these investigations (or “inquiries”) are started, how organizations of and for people with disabilities can participate, and what the outcomes may be.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – français, LSQ – actuellement indisponible

October 21, 2020

Using other UN Disability Rights Tools | Utilisation d’autres outils des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations Unies

The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities monitors how countries are following the CRPD and makes recommendations to improve CRPD implementation. ARCH lawyers, project partners and guest speakers will discuss the role and work of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and how people with disabilities and disability organizations can participate.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – français, LSQ – actuellement indisponible

October 28, 2020

Challenges to Implementing CRPD Rights in Canada | Les défis de la mise en œuvre des droits de la CDPH au Canada

ARCH lawyers and guest speakers will describe some of the key challenges to implementing CRPD rights in Canada.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – français, LSQ – actuellement indisponible

November 4, 2020

Moving Forward: Using UN Disability Rights Tools to Advance Disability Rights in Canada | Aller de l’avant: utiliser les outils des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations Unies pour faire progresser les droits des personnes handicapées au Canada

OP Lab participants will have an opportunity to discuss whether and how the CRPD, its Optional Protocol, and other UN disability rights tools should be used to advocate for better implementation of the CRPD in Canada.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – bientôt disponible

November 12, 2020


Joint Meeting of Community Champion and Legal Experts | Réunion conjointe du champion communautaire et des experts juridiques

Community members who have completed the OP Champions course and disability rights lawyers who have completed the OP Legal Experts course will meet to network and share their learning and insights.

Recording of Live Session – English, ASL – currently not available

Enregistrement de session en direct – bientôt disponible

ARCH gratefully acknowledges OP Lab project partners:

Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC);
British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS);
Canadian Association of Community Living (CACL);
Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD);
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW);
Communication Disabilities Access Canada (CDAC);
Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapées du Québec (COPHAN);
Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD);
DAWN Canada;
Independent Living Canada (ILC);
People First of Canada;
National Coalition of People who use Guide and Service Dogs in Canada;
National Network for Mental Health (NNMH);
Tlingit Sovereign Nation; and
York University – Osgoode Hall Law School.

Last Modified: June 11, 2024