Do the Rights Thing
ARCH is a proud partner of Do the Rights Thing, a project by DAWN Canada focussing on women with disabilities and Deaf women in accessing services, the labour movement and the workplace.

do the rights thing logo
Do the Rights Thing is a project focused on developing and implementing a system-level response to address systemic barriers to services and employment faced by women with disabilities and Deaf women. Working closely with employers, human rights organizations, women with disabilities/Deaf women, and other stakeholders, this project will create practical tools, educational material, and public awareness campaigns on the human rights obligations of employers and service providers. This project will also provide information on the social and economic benefits of equitable hiring and inclusive service provision.
Do the Rights Thing seeks to centre the diverse experience of women with disabilities and Deaf women by providing them with leadership roles throughout the project, and by incorporating their first-person accounts in the public awareness campaign and educational material mentioned above.
ARCH Disability Law Centre and DAWN Canada are currently conducting research to better understand the needs of women, employers and service providers, and the labour movement with respect to inclusive, emancipatory, and intersectional rights-based frameworks.
Video recordings of workshops ARCH held
ARCH held 2 workshops in October 2021 for women with disabilities and Deaf women, and for employers of women with disabilities and Deaf women.
Video recording of October 15, 2021, Webinar for women with disabilities and Deaf women
Video recording of October 22, 2021, Webinar for employers of women with disabilities and Deaf women