Become a Member
Apply to become a member!
Membership is FREE and is open to any person who supports the purpose and objectives of ARCH and who meet the following criteria:
- resides in the Province of Ontario;
- is at least 18 years of age;
- is not an “un-discharged bankrupt”;
- has, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, a genuine interest in the objectives of ARCH and whose application for membership has been approved by the Board;
- has not been dismissed as an employee of ARCH, has not taken legal action against ARCH in the preceding ten years, and does not have litigation pending against ARCH.
We will notify you once your membership application is approved by the ARCH Board of Directors. ARCH Membership runs from the date it is approved and expires at the conclusion of the 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM). You will receive a notice to renew your membership prior to its expiry. If you do not renew your membership by the specified time, your membership will expire and you will have to re-apply as a new member.
Members of ARCH are eligible to vote at our AGM. However, only members whose applications or renewals have been approved by the Board at least 30 days prior to the AGM and whose names appear on the eligibility list are all eligible to vote at that meeting.
All information provided on the following form will be kept strictly confidential. NOTE: If you wish to contact ARCH for legal information, you do not need to be a member.