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Tags: MAiD

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

ARCH’s contribution to “Medical Assistance in Dying: Resistance in Canada of Canadian Journal of Disability Studies

ARCH's contribution to "Medical Assistance in Dying: Resistance in Canada" of Canadian Journal of Disability Studies…Read More

Canadian Human Rights Commission issues statement on MAiD

February 28, 2024

Canadian Human Rights Commission issues statement on MAiD…Read More

Disability Rights Organizations urge Parliament not to expand Medical Assistance in Dying to People with Mental Health Disabilities

February 28, 2024

Disability Rights Organizations urge Parliament not to expand Medical Assistance in Dying to People with Mental Health Disabilities…Read More

Submission to Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying

November 20, 2023

Submission to Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying…Read More

ARCH lawyer interview for article about MAiD deaths

October 26, 2023

ARCH lawyer interview for article about MAiD, Canadian Affairs…Read More

ARCH’s contribution to “Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada: Key Multidisciplinary Perspectives”

ARCH’s contribution to “Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada: Key Multidisciplinary Perspectives”…Read More

University of Manitoba presents a webinar on MAiD: Medical Assistance in Dying – Social inequities, structural vulnerability and why does it matter?

University of Manitoba presents a webinar on MAiD: Medical Assistance in Dying – Social inequities, structural vulnerability and why does it matter?…Read More

Expert Witnesses Speak Out Against Parliamentary Committee’s MAiD Report

Expert Witnesses Speak Out Against Parliamentary Committee’s MAiD Report…Read More

ARCH Testifies to Parliamentary Committee Reviewing MAiD

November 18, 2022

November 18, 2022 ARCH provided expert testimony to AMAD, a Special Joint Committee of Parliament that is conducting a statutory review of medical assistance in dying legislation in Canada. To access the recording, go here: To access the transcript, go here and click on the November 18th link:…Read More

Disability Rights Groups Call for Public Hearing on Canada’s MAiD Law at International Human Rights Body

September 22, 2022

For Immediate Release September 22, 2022 A coalition of 20 Canadian disability rights groups has filed a request for a public hearing into the discrimination present in Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying legislation and its grave consequences for persons with disabilities. The request for a hearing was made to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights…Read More

Request to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for Hearing on MAiD

September 20, 2022

August 15, 2022 A coalition of 20 disability rights groups represented by ARCH Disability Law Centre requested a public hearing about MAiD at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. …Read More

‘Outraged and distraught’: Reaction to disabled B.C. woman’s approval for medically-assisted death

June 8, 2022 The Article by CTV News Vancouver, ‘Outraged and distraught’: Reaction to disabled B.C. woman’s approval for medically-assisted death, features the expertise of several experts on the topic of Medically Assistance in Dying, including our Staff Lawyer, Kerri Joffe. Learn More:…Read More

ARCH, Inclusion International & Inclusion Canada Co-hosted an event at the United Nations Headquarters in New York! COSP15 – Canary in a Coalmine: The Expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying/Euthanasia in Canada, A Warning to the Global Disability Community

June 16, 2022 Co-hosted by: ARCH Disability Law Centre, Inclusion International, & Inclusion Canada  During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada legalized a pathway to euthanasia for people who are not terminally ill, provided they have a disability or disabling medical condition. In practice, people with disabilities are dying because they live in poverty, can’t secure affordable…Read More

Submission to Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying

May 9, 2022 ARCH made a submission to the Special Joint Parliamentary Committee reviewing Canada’s medical assistance in dying law and its application to mature minors, advance requests, mental illness, the state of palliative care in Canada and the protection of Canadians with disabilities.…Read More

Submission to UN Human Rights Committee re Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying Law

May 21, 2021 ARCH, on behalf of the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, DisAbled Women’s Network Canada, Inclusion Canada and the Vulnerable Persons Standard, made a submission to the UN Human Rights Committee. ARCH described the ways that Canada’s medical assistance in dying law violates the international…Read More

Submission to the Senate on Bill C-7 – Medical Assistance in Dying

November 27, 2020

Attention: Mark Palmer, Committee ClerkSenate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional AffairsThe Senate of CanadaOttawa, OntarioCanada, K1A 0A4 Sent by email to: November 25, 2020 Dear Senators,ARCH Disability Law Centre (“ARCH”) makes this submission as part of your pre-study of Bill C-7 – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying).…Read More

Submission – Vulnerable Persons Standard (VPS) on the Proposed Regulations for Monitoring of Medical Assistance in Dying (2018)

February 22, 2018

The Vulnerable Person Standard incorporates five evidence-based safeguards intended to protect the lives of Canadians. These safeguards aim to ensure that Canadians requesting assistance from physicians to end their life can do so without jeopardizing the lives of persons in circumstances that make them vulnerable to abuse, coercion, and inducement to suicide. In this submission…Read More

Submission – ARCH’s Submission on Bill C-14 Medical Assistance in Dying, 2016

PDF and RTF versions of this submission are available at the end of this page. A Call for Safeguards Submission by ARCH Disability Law Centre to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights regarding Bill C–14 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (Medical Assistance in…Read More

Submission – ARCH Submission to the Provincial-Territorial Expert Advisory Group on Physician-Assisted Dying, 2015

November 02, 2015

This submission was offered to the Federal External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to the Supreme Court’s decision on physician-assisted dying in Carter v Canada. The issue of physician-assisted dying has provoked a wide range of responses from the various segments of the communities of persons with disabilities in Ontario. ARCH has gone…Read More

August 26, 2024