Tags: Accessible Canada Act
Accessible Canada Act – presentation to CHS
ARCH presentation to CHS on the Accessible Canada Act.…
Read MoreFinding and Using Federal Accessibility Regulations
This fifth video explains where you can find federal regulations once they are made. It will tell you why these rules are important. It will also tell you when you might want to use them. It will tell you what you can do if a federal organization, company, or government office doesn’t follow accessibility rules.…
Read MoreGiving Your Input when Regulations are Being Made
This is the fourth video in this series. This video gives tips about how to give input to the Government of Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency, and CRTC when new regulations are being made. It explains how to get ready to give feedback. It tells you how to get the information you need. It also describes…
Read MoreThe Accessible Canada Act, Accessibility Regulations and Standards
This second video is about the rules and guidelines that come with the Accessible Canada Act. These are called ‘regulations’ and ‘standards.’ They are meant to help make our country more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities and Deaf people. Accessibility rules and standards are important. They set concrete rules and guidelines for federal…
Read MoreAn Introduction To The Accessible Canada Act
The Act is a federal law. It explains how to make spaces and services more accessible. It has to be followed by the federal government and federal businesses and organizations. The Act works with human rights laws. Human rights laws give everybody the right to be treated equally. This includes people with disabilities and Deaf…
Read MoreNational AccessAbility Week Program 2022
National AccessAbility Week Program 2022…
Read MoreARCH’s Summary on Government of Canada’s Draft Accessible Canada Regulations
ARCH's Summary on Government of Canada’s Consultation on Draft Accessible Canada Regulations…
Read MoreARCH’s Summary of CRTC’s Accessibility Reporting Regulations
ARCH's Summary of CRTC's Accessibility Reporting Regulations…
Read More2021 Consultations on Draft Accessibility Regulations
The Government of Canada, the Canadian Transportation Agency and the CRTC are asking for feedback on 3 Accessible Canada Act draft regulations. ARCH Disability Law Centre is holding virtual webinars to give people with disabilities, disabled persons organization and disability organizations more information. …
Read MoreIntervention submitted to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
This submission was provided to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to intervene in its proceeding "Call for Comments – Regulations to be made under the Accessible Canada Act"…
Read MoreIntervention submitted to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Intervention of ARCH Disability Law Centre submitted to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Telecom and Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2020-124: Call for Comments – Regulations to be made under the Accessible Canada Act June 12, 2020 Table of Contents INTRODUCTIONSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONSARCH’S RESPONSE TO THE CALL FOR COMMENTSA. CONTENT OF REGULATIONS AND GUIDANCE…
Read MoreInclusion Without Assimilation: Responding to Disability Legislation in Canada
Virtual engagement session for feedback on how the Accessible Canada Act can respond to the unique needs of Indigenous women and gender diverse people with physical, cognitive, visual, sensory, or hearing-related impairments.…
Read MoreFact Sheet – What is the Accessible Canada Act (ACA)?
What is the ACA? The ACA is a new law that aims to achieve a barrier free Canada by 2040. The ACA aims to achieve a barrier free Canada by identifying, addressing and preventing barriers. It defines barrier as anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with a physical, mental,…
Read MorePress Release – ARCH Disability Law Centre welcomes the passage of the Accessible Canada Act
Press Release on the passage of the Accessible Canada Act.…
Read MoreSubmission – ARCH’s Recommendations for Strengthening Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act (2018)
ARCH’s recommended amendments to ensure that Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act, achieves its purpose and potential. This resource is part of ARCH’s Advocating for an Accessible Canada initiative. For more information about the initiative, go to: www.archdisabilitylaw.ca/initiatives/advocating-for-accessibility-in-canada PDF and RTF versions of this submission are available at the end of this page. [Le français…
Read MorePlain Language Summary: Legal Analysis of Bill C-81 – Final Report (2018)
A summary of the legal analysis of Bill C-81, Accessible Canada Act, in plain language. PDF and RTF versions of this summary are available at the end of this page.…
Read MorePaper – Legal Analysis of Accessible Canada Act – Final Report (2018)
This report provides a legal analysis of Bill C-81, An Act to ensure a barrier free Canada. It incorporates feedback that ARCH received from persons with disabilities and disability organizations on the first draft of this report. This resource is part of ARCH’s Advocating for an Accessible Canada initiative. For more information about the initiative,…
Read MoreFocus: New Federal Accessibility Legislation on the Horizon
About a new legislation intended to increase accessibility and remove barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from participating in society.…
Read MorePaper – Considerations for Effective Implementation and Enforcement of the Proposed Federal Accessibility Legislation (2017)
This paper addresses an important legal issue ARCH recommended the Government to address as it developed the proposed federal accessibility legislation: ensuring effective implementation and enforcement of the proposed federal accessibility legislation. ARCH’s Considerations for Effective Implementation and Enforcement of the Proposed Federal Accessibility Legislation were presented to government in its consultation process as it…
Read MorePaper – Discussion Paper on Proposed Federal Accessibility Legislation and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2017)
This paper addresses an important legal issue ARCH recommended the Government to address as it developed the proposed federal accessibility legislation: the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its relationship with the planned federal accessibility legislation. In this paper ARCH provides a legal analysis of the role that the Convention…
Read MorePaper – A Federal Disability Act: Opportunities and Challenges (2006)
A Paper Commissioned by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities and the Canadian Association for Community Living, advancing a set of tools that could be implemented in a Federal Disability Act, and outlining a model legislative framework to illustrate how proposed strategies and tools might interact. This resource is part of ARCH’s Advocating for an…
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