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Tags: education

ARCH Area of Law

ARCH lawyer interviewed for article about schools excluding students with disabilities

September 01, 2023

ARCH lawyer interviewed for article about schools excluding students with disabilities…Read More

Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 98

May 09, 2023

Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 98…Read More

Launch of New Learning Portal Reveals Legacy of Eugenics in Ontario

September 14, 2022

September 7, 2022 In partnership with The University of Guelph and Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology and Access to Life, ARCH has helped with, Into the Light: Living Histories of Oppression and Education in Ontario their new online resource. It is a new teaching tool designed to build awareness about the ongoing effects of…Read More

Submission to the Post-secondary Education Standards Development Committee regarding its 2021 Initial Recommendations Report

November 02, 2021

ARCH made a submission to the Post-secondary Education Standards Development Committee regarding its 2021 Initial Recommendations Report. To review ARCH’s full Submission, download it below.…Read More

Submission to the K-12 Education Standards Development Committee regarding the 2021 Initial Recommendations Report

November 02, 2021

ARCH made a submission to the K-12 Education Standards Development Committee regarding the 2021 Initial Recommendations Report. To review ARCH’s full Submission, download it below.…Read More

Inclusive Education Canada (IEC) Webinar Series

November 27, 2020

Inclusive Education Canada (IEC) Webinar Series – Will Ontario schools ever be inclusive? ARCH Executive Director joins a panel discussing education for students with disabilities in Ontario. The presentation is below.…Read More

Article published in the Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy co-authored by ARCH examines the outdated framework that continues to exist in Ontario which creates ongoing barriers for students with disabilities in accessing inclusive education.

November 17, 2020

A Relic of the Past: Identification, Placement and Review Committees in Ontario’s Education System For the article, go to:…Read More

Family of ARCH’s past client taking on a 42km marathon fundraiser

October 27, 2020

Family of ARCH’s past client taking on a 42km marathon fundraiser…Read More

Accommodation Law Resources Digital Portal

July 28, 2020

Canadian Work Disability Accommodation Law Resources Digital Portal is a centralized resource of disability employment human rights literature for researchers, community members, and practitioners. This is a free, user-friendly online tool aiming to increase awareness of existing resources through citations, annotations and access to available literature where available and as copyright permits. It is intended…Read More

Access to Education for Students with Disabilities during the COVID-19 Crisis

July 03, 2020

ARCH Disability Law Centre  Submission to Ontario Ministry of Education Regarding Access to Education for Students with Disabilities during the COVID-19 Crisis To: Hon. Stephen Lecce, Minister of EducationSent via email: July 3, 2020 I) Introduction In March 2020, Ontario schools closed indefinitely as part of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic with an…Read More

Education Advocacy Modules

May 13, 2020

ARCH, with our partners, released a series of comprehensive advocacy tools and modules on human rights and education. It is aimed at parents, advocates, and students with disabilities in primary and secondary school.…Read More

Guide – Human Rights and Education in Ontario: A general guide for students

Please note that the information in this Guide does not apply to all situations. A person’s accommodation needs may vary over time and at different points in the day. Always ask the person with the disability how to most appropriately accommodate them. PDF and RTF versions of this guide are available at the end of…Read More

Advocacy Toolkit – Service Animals in Schools in Ontario

Please note that the information in this Guide does not apply to all situations. A person’s accommodation needs may vary over time and at different points in the day. Always ask the person with the disability how to most appropriately accommodate them. PDF and RTF versions of this toolkit are available at the end of…Read More

Advocacy Toolkit – Your Right to not be Excluded from School in Ontario

January 31, 2019

Please note that the information in this Toolkit does not apply to all situations. A person’s accommodation needs may vary over time and at different points in the day. Always ask the person with the disability how to most appropriately accommodate them. PDF and RTF versions of this toolkit are available at the end of…Read More

Submission – ARCH Submission to Ministry of Education (2018)

December 14, 2018

Joint submission to the Government of Ontario for their consultation related to Ontario’s education system, submitted by ARCH Disability Law Centre, Community Living Ontario, Brockville and District Association for Community Involvement, Inclusion Research Team Brock University, Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education Western University and Inclusive Education Canada. PDF and RTF versions of this submission are…Read More

Focus: Bona Fide Academic Requirements in the New OHRC Policy

September 28, 2018

Ontario Human Rights Commission released a new Policy on Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities…Read More

Paper – If Inclusion Means Everyone, WHY NOT ME? (2018)

May 04, 2018

A Final Report for the extensive research study on the barriers to meaningful and inclusive education from K to 12 in Ontario conducted by ARCH, in partnership with Brock University, Western University, Community Living Ontario, Inclusive Education Canada, and Brockville and District Association for Community Living. This resource is part of ARCH’s Inclusive Education initiative.…Read More

Submission – ARCH’s Submission on the Proposed AODA Education Standard (2017)

July 13, 2017

ARCH’s submission on the initial consultation regarding the scope and mandate of the Standards Development Committee developing an Education Standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. PDF and RTF versions of this submission are available at the end of this page. July 13, 2017 The Honourable Kathleen WynnePremier of OntarioLegislative Building Queen’s Park…Read More

Submission – ARCH’s Submission to the Ontario Human Rights Commission on its Review of the ‘Guidelines on Accessible Education’ (2017)

June 09, 2017

ARCH submission to the OHRC review of ‘Guidelines on Accessible Education’ outlines major developments in the legal framework around human rights and education since the Guidelines were first published. ARCH’s recommendations  in the submission rely largely on Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“CRPD”) as a starting framework. PDF and…Read More

Paper – A Conceptual and Legal Framework for Inclusive Education – Jody R Carr (2017)

February 27, 2017

This paper is authored by former Education Minister of New Brunswick, Jody Carr, on behalf of ARCH Disability Law Centre, to explore and articulate a framework for reform for the delivery of public education services across Canada that is both accessible and inclusive of all children. Introduction There has been significant evolution in Canadian jurisprudence,…Read More

Paper – Inclusive Education: Opportunities for Redesign, 2010

April 15, 2010

This paper was written for 2010 CAPSLE Conference in Calgary on Inclusive Education and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In 2010, Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), affirming its commitment to inclusive education. In this paper, ARCH discusses universal design as…Read More

September 1, 2023